Stevedoring (KHT)

JP Agencies has since its foundation in 1930 been active as stevedore in the port of Korsoer. Through our affiliated company Korsoer Handel & Transport (KHT) we have developed extensive experience in handling bulk, breakbulk and heavy lift cargoes.


The personnel of KHT has decades of experience in handling cargoes, and we keep a strict focus on safety and time efficiency, thereby ensuring our clients cargo handling which meets the customers’ individual demands and expectations.stevedoring2

KHT owned material / equipment comprises items such as :

  • Conveyor belts – 350 mt/per hour
  • Frontloaders – 2 heavy duty
  • Bobcats – 2 pcs
  • Forklifts – 2 pcs
  • Cargo funnel – used for direct delivery of bulk cargoes to truck.

In addition to our own material the port of Korsoer comprises 3 harbor cranes able to handle bulk, breakbulk and general cargoes.